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999 Warren Buffett Quotes - Learn His Secrets of Investing During & After Crisis


One Up On Wall Street SUMMARY Conclusion Chapter 20 – 50,000 Frenchmen Can Be Wrong

The market, like individual stocks, can move in the opposite direction of the fundamentals over the short term Be optimistic about America and investing in general Market declines are great opportunities to buy stocks in companies that you like You can never predict the market It takes years, not months to produce big results You can make serious money by compounding a series of 20-30 percent gains in Stalwarts Stock prices often move in opposite direction but the long term, the direct and sustainability of profits will prevail Buying a company just because its cheap is a losing strategy Selling an outstanding fast grower because its stock slights overpriced is a losing technique You don’t lose anything by not owning a successful stock Stock doesn’t know that you own it Don’t be attached to a winner Don’t stop monitoring the story If you don’t think you can beat the market then buy a mutual fund Keep an open mind to new ideas Read One Up On Wall Street by Peter Lynch Chapter 19 full su

5 Things To Avoid After Meditation

Alright now you have done meditating on the words given in the book The Message of a Master by John McDonald. Well what is the next step you can do? You still have some things to avoid after meditating on the words given in The Message of a Master. Here we go.

1. Do not talk to negative people. Negative minded people brings negative energy and it truly drains you. Please avoid talking to this kind of people after meditating on the words given in The Message of a Master. All the energy that you use to meditate will be scattered the moment you give attention to their complains.

2. Do not change the way you feel. This is mainly about your feelings after meditating. After meditating on the words given in the book you will definitely be in a powerful and peaceful state because those words are truly powerful. So right after meditating, be in the vibration for few moments. Then you can go on with your day.

3. Never ever watch television. I used to do that months ago. I will meditate on the words given and right after completing it I will watch TV. I found that I will feel tired and weak easily when doing that. Then I found that focusing my energy on something that is not related to my growth truly drains my energy. If can please try to solve the problems or try to work on your desires or goals. It is very effective after meditating on the words given in The Message of a Master.

4. Say no to smoking please. Yes my friend. This the time for you to change your bad habits. Right after meditating on the words given, you will automatically feel very powerful and strong so this is the right time for you to change any bad habits if you have any.

5. Do not remember anything. Well I mean not everything but about the words given in The Message of a Master. Right after meditating on the words given please do not bother them the next moment. They will be very helpful for you when you give less attention to it. This is because we used to worry about many things in our life so if you keep on thinking about the words given you might associate the words with something bad or in another words with bad events from your life.

I hope this three parts about meditating on the words given in The Message of a Master will be helpful to you. I wish you all the best and for a better understanding please take a dictionary and check the meanings first then compare with your own meanings. Then you can see the difference and can grasp more idea from the words.

Happy Meditating my friend.
- My Sweet Luck


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