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999 Warren Buffett Quotes - Learn His Secrets of Investing During & After Crisis


One Up On Wall Street SUMMARY Conclusion Chapter 20 – 50,000 Frenchmen Can Be Wrong

The market, like individual stocks, can move in the opposite direction of the fundamentals over the short term Be optimistic about America and investing in general Market declines are great opportunities to buy stocks in companies that you like You can never predict the market It takes years, not months to produce big results You can make serious money by compounding a series of 20-30 percent gains in Stalwarts Stock prices often move in opposite direction but the long term, the direct and sustainability of profits will prevail Buying a company just because its cheap is a losing strategy Selling an outstanding fast grower because its stock slights overpriced is a losing technique You don’t lose anything by not owning a successful stock Stock doesn’t know that you own it Don’t be attached to a winner Don’t stop monitoring the story If you don’t think you can beat the market then buy a mutual fund Keep an open mind to new ideas Read One Up On Wall Street by Peter Lynch Chapter 19 full su...

The Only Thing Stopping You From Achieving Your Goal

We humans have this unique trait of justification. We can justify things with immense amount of imagination. It's really amazing when the researchers come out with results of people proving that their decision is right despite the manipulation made in the experiments. Such is the power of human mind. The reason behind this strong force of justifying every single decision that we take can be related to the conscious mind forcing the approval of the subconscious by repeatedly telling the reason why we decided to take a particular action despite knowing deep inside that we shouldn't. Now coming to your goal especially if you have failed to achieve them. You can write a book on the reason why you failed terribly. It can be even a New York Times Best-Seller because the reasons being justified in the most emotional way. Only if you choose to write the book because you will fail to achieve this goal too. Are we getting somewhere here? Yes, we are.

Now what can be the common reason that we can tell boldly on why we fail to achieve our goals or just let them to rot in our minds.

Lack of Self-Discipline

You lack self discipline no matter what your justification is or no matter how many best seller reasons you give the truth is you failed because of lacking one crucial element to success.
Self Discipline.

Steve Jobs once said it beautifully. If you want to do something in life, do what you love because the journey towards it will be fairly hard and we tend to stick with things that we love without any reason. Stick-ability, persistence and hard work can be the pillars of self discipline. Self discipline is the art of being consistent in taking actions that will bring you towards your goal.

Ask yourself now

Why you really stopped pursuing your goal? Is it really that hard? Don't have any resources? No one to support and guide you? Not in a growth environment? Lack capital or intelligence?

Remember this. No matter what your reason, you can always overcome them with self discipline. You can be, do and have whatever you want in this beautiful information era. Wealth of knowledge is everywhere with access to people, solutions and even capital. All that you will have to do as Mel Robbins suggested in her famous Ted Talk, just walk in to a bookstore and grab at least 10 books related to your goal to study and work on it. Just Google it instead if you do not have enough money.

There are no reasons for your failure.
Only lack of self discipline.

Wishing you MySweetLuck
