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999 Warren Buffett Quotes - Learn His Secrets of Investing During & After Crisis


One Up On Wall Street SUMMARY Conclusion Chapter 20 – 50,000 Frenchmen Can Be Wrong

The market, like individual stocks, can move in the opposite direction of the fundamentals over the short term Be optimistic about America and investing in general Market declines are great opportunities to buy stocks in companies that you like You can never predict the market It takes years, not months to produce big results You can make serious money by compounding a series of 20-30 percent gains in Stalwarts Stock prices often move in opposite direction but the long term, the direct and sustainability of profits will prevail Buying a company just because its cheap is a losing strategy Selling an outstanding fast grower because its stock slights overpriced is a losing technique You don’t lose anything by not owning a successful stock Stock doesn’t know that you own it Don’t be attached to a winner Don’t stop monitoring the story If you don’t think you can beat the market then buy a mutual fund Keep an open mind to new ideas Read One Up On Wall Street by Peter Lynch Chapter 19 full su

Focus On These 5 Things & You Will Live A Healthy Life [GUARANTEED)

What do you want in life? A bigger house? Better car? Beautiful relationship? Progress in career? You can never have any of them if you are not in a good health. Even if you have them, you can only enjoy them when you are in a state of good health. Health is one of the vital riches that you should treasure and protect the most in order to attain other riches of life. Your health must be your No.1 Priority. Without good health, you can't achieve greatness easily. Note that we are not saying it's impossible but just that it won't be easy. To achieve anything worthwhile in life, you need to pump in massive efforts for the start and the snow ball will start to roll and grow. The best investment that you can make now is your health. Be in good shape and you will be productive to achieve your tasks and goals. To be disciplined effortlessly, you need to build your foundation of health. There are 5 pillars that make up a good health. It is important to keep the pillars strong and steady to ensure a good health. When one snaps, your health will be shaken a little. When another snaps, it's time to fall. Each and every one of them are so important that you should give them immense amount of attention and focus to meet their needs individually. Let us move to the first and the most important pillar.

1. Breathe Well
Breathing as simple as it sounds and as ignorant as we are of the process, there lies a huge secret to health. A very simple question for you. Have you ever noticed your breathing? Like noticing it for a minute or two on how your lungs expand and contract with every breath that you take in and exhale out? If you have never done that, use this moment now to take a deep breath. Feel the breath and the expansion of your lungs and exhale them slowly through your nose. Feeling relaxed? It can do more than that.

Breathing right can improve your health in ways that you have never imagined. There are researches proven on our emotions affecting the way we breathe. We breathe differently when we are happy and the exact opposite when we are scared. Now what if we can control our emotions by using our breathing? You have been doing this naturally without your realization. Sometimes, when you are stressed or angry, you tend to take a deep breath in and out. You will feel better the next moment. There are more to breathing. Meditation. Practice of Mindfulness is everywhere around the world now until the power of it is being taken lightly. Practicing it for just 5 minutes daily can bring tremendous change in your physiological and balanced emotional state. Beyond that, it is important to maintain cleanliness in your environment. The office that you work, the car that you drive and the room that you sleep in make sure they are clean and conducive for healthy air with good ventilation. Use some green plants and keep your things clean out of dust. Not forgetting your body. Clean it by taking shower daily. Never be smelly again. When you emphasize on the importance of breathing, we believe you should know what cigarettes will do for you. In a nutshell, avoid anything that will affect your breathing. Breathing is the most essential and important pillar for health. Don't trust us? Stop breathing now.

2. Eat Well
Before we get into depth with this you should have at least a big picture on the importance of eating right. Food is so important for us. It is the fuel that we give to our bodies and also our mind to operate efficiently. You may have noticed that when you eat certain food you will be in super packed energy and sometimes you may feel drowsy when you eat something else. You should have at least a rough idea on how certain food affects your body and your daily routines.

There are certain things that many people are missing out and not being aware of the cost in long term. As simple as having breakfast. Do you eat breakfast? If you do, then we are really happy for you as many people do skip the most important meal of the day. Breakfast is the break of the fast that you had the night you were sleeping. The body will be needing fuel to regain the energy used during the sleep and recovery process. Breakfast is the starter that helps you to burn calories throughout the day apart from helping you to control your weight. Yes, you will eat lesser during your lunch if you had your breakfast and you will tend to eat more than your requirements when you skipped your breakfast as your stomach and brain will give signal to you that you need to consume extra calories for fuel. Eating the right breakfast such as oatmeal, yogurt and egg scramble can give you a productive day. Apart from breakfast, simple habits as eating at the right time, eat only until your stomach is full at 80%, drinking water 30 minutes only after and before your meal, eating whole foods rather than processed food, taking in a lot of vegetables, fruits and proteins, not eating heavy meal before bed and also consuming less alcohol can help you to live a quality life. These are some simple and powerful eating habits that can help you to live a healthy life.

3. Sweat Well
Move and move a lot. Human body can be compared with a car. When a car is constantly used and maintained, it will run well. When a car is not being used at all for a long time, it might give us trouble like not starting up. When a car is used frequently without any maintenance, it will give us issues too. Look at your body now. When it is constantly moving, sweating and being used in active lifestyle; health is guaranteed. Like a car, when we stop moving we will begin to face health issues and there will be a difficulty in even taking small steps. When you move way too much without taking rest, you will break your parts for the long run. It's all about balance. Imagine your body is like a car where you start the day with a warm up and run throughout the day efficiently without being too fast and not too slow, not forgetting to fuel up and most importantly you should turn off the engine when not in use. Simple as that.

Does it mean you really have to workout? Even if we said yes, you are not going to as it requires a change in a lifestyle and habit which is not going to be easy but definitely not impossible. The best thing that you can do is to walk more and move more by incorporating active physical movements in your daily lives. This means that you do not have to schedule time to exercise but you can live your day as you exercised. You can try to park further away to walk more, taking more stairs, keep your bottle or phone rooms away, gardening, playing with kids, cleaning the house or even walk your dog. You can observe that they are not exercises but they are physical activities that can replace exercises. Sweat more and move more to add years to your life by making it effortless for you to be active.

4. Sleep Well
The mystery of sleep is yet to be solved but the benefits are very clear. Try to stay awake for a few days and notice your heart beat rate changes and you will be less productive. Sleep is not the same for all of us but it is imperative to have a good night sleep for tomorrow to have a better and productive day. There are numbers being mentioned for a good sleep but it is all about the quality of your sleep. What we want you to focus on is the quality of the sleep. The quality of the sleep can be determined by identifying the number of hours that you usually need to sleep and when you wake up you will feel energized without having to hit the snooze button. You should be tracking your sleep for few days until you can determine the right amount that you need consistently.

What time you wake up will not be a problem for your sleep at all. That's the mistake that we always do. Focusing on the wrong part of the equation. It is the time and the way you go to sleep that can affect your day. For example, if you go to bed late and wake up early you lack the quality sleep that you needed especially when you had dreams that forced you to release vampire hormones which will give you body ache when you wake up. You can choose to wake up anytime that you want or as early as you want. You can even make it a habit of waking up early but the most important thing to be fixed is the bedtime habits. You have to make sure that you do not eat anything heavy before your bedtime, do not use smartphones or even television at least 30 minute before bed or any high intense activities that can keep you awake. You can try writing or just go to bed and close your eyes until you fall asleep. Decide the number of hours that you will be needing for your body by experimenting and go to bed every night by counting backwards on what time you have to sleep. There are even sleep calculator apps that can do the math for you. Get a goodnight sleep for better health and productivity. Experiment until you get it right and stick to it no matter what.

5. Think Well
You are the product of your thoughts and actions. You are where you are now because of your thinking habits which determined your actions that will bring you forward or backwards in life. Your health is also the result of your thinking. When you focus on misery and illness, that is what will grow in your life. What you focus on expands not because of any mysterious laws. They grow because of the intensity that human mind implies on a subject and it directs the subconscious to take the actions that will compliment the thoughts.

Think right and you will do right. So, how to think right? Life is a blank canvas. We have been given one of the precious gift which is a blank canvas and it is up to us to draw anything that will determine at the end of the day where the artwork becomes a masterpiece which will be celebrated and kept in the museum to be remembered for life or a dull painting that will be forgotten and thrown away. We came here with empty hands and will leave with memories alone. Make them meaningful. Determine your purpose, values or principles and live for them every single second. Celebrate life and live the day with enthusiasm. Problems will show up consistently. They are the ones helping us to live a quality life actually. Imagine a door knob that is so smooth to be used. Now, imagine the same door knob being too hard to be used and everyone failed to fix it. You tried with persistence and experimentation until one day you did it. Now, the door is open but there is a story, meaning and happiness behind it now compared to earlier where it opened without any problem. Think well towards life and you can live a healthy life.

Keep your life simple and program yourself with self discipline until they become natural for you to breathe well, eat well, sweat well, sleep well and think well.

Wishing you MySweetLuck
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