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999 Warren Buffett Quotes - Learn His Secrets of Investing During & After Crisis


One Up On Wall Street SUMMARY Conclusion Chapter 20 – 50,000 Frenchmen Can Be Wrong

The market, like individual stocks, can move in the opposite direction of the fundamentals over the short term Be optimistic about America and investing in general Market declines are great opportunities to buy stocks in companies that you like You can never predict the market It takes years, not months to produce big results You can make serious money by compounding a series of 20-30 percent gains in Stalwarts Stock prices often move in opposite direction but the long term, the direct and sustainability of profits will prevail Buying a company just because its cheap is a losing strategy Selling an outstanding fast grower because its stock slights overpriced is a losing technique You don’t lose anything by not owning a successful stock Stock doesn’t know that you own it Don’t be attached to a winner Don’t stop monitoring the story If you don’t think you can beat the market then buy a mutual fund Keep an open mind to new ideas Read One Up On Wall Street by Peter Lynch Chapter 19 full su...

If Not Now, Then When?

Do you have big dreams and goals to be achieved in life? Do you have tasks to be accomplished in hand? Do you have the urge to get clarity on what to be done with your life? Do you have to forgive someone or ask for forgiveness? Do you have to solve a major problem? Do you have to start to take good care of your health?

If you truly know what you want and what must be done, then what are you waiting for? Why don't you just start taking actions and enjoy the results? If not now, then when?

What Is The Real Problem?
You can say comfort, laziness, fear or lack of capital. Just give the excuses and be an expert in justifying it. The real problem lies in your mind. It's your vision. Vision is a strong force that can help us to visualize our future and craft our life the way we want it to happen. It is a beautiful gift and skill of mankind to see things in mind before seeing in hand. This gift comes with a curse. If you can see good things, you can visualize bad things as well. The more you dwell upon it, the stronger it gets. The vision that you have in your mind is the real hero and culprit. The problem is that your vision lies in the future. You see yourself doing a specific project or action in the future and not even close to tomorrow or the next hour. You have forgotten the fact that you are visualizing your vision from the present with future in mind neglecting the strength of your NOW.

NOW Is The Solution
Embrace Now. Have a great vision? Start now! You can always ask your self this question.
Oh yes, I have a great vision and it's really big. What I can do now to make it a reality? 
The mistake that all of us are making is that we see ourselves accomplishing what we want in the distant future but neglecting the fact that the current moment, The NOW is the most powerful state for us to live. Rather that going to the future to live the dreams, we suggest you to bring your dreams to your NOW. We will repeat that again. Don't wait for the future to live you dreams. Bring your dreams to your NOW to live it. This is the ultimate secret and solution. No matter what your vision or goal is there must be something that you can do now in the moment. The only thing that you have complete control over is your NOW. If you choose to close your eyes the world will seize to exist. That is your NOW. Open your eyes and do every single thing to be in the NOW and enjoy living your vision not longing for it in pain.

Will NOW Solve Everything?
NOW mindset is a powerful mindset. It allows you to be your future self in the present to live it while you are still alive and not waiting for you to live it. Will it work for everything? Not exactly. Let Warren Buffett explain this clearly.
No matter how great the talent or efforts, some things just take time. You can't produce a baby in one month by getting nine women pregnant. ― Warren Buffett.
Some things really do take time and patience but it doesn't mean that you cannot do anything about it. You can always do something to live it in the NOW. To feel the joy of it in the NOW. Life is about living, why long for the things in the future when you can always be, do and have whatever you want in the NOW. All you have to do is take small steps. They do not have to be big, but small steps that will help you to live your future in the NOW.

Now try this. Write in a piece of paper your goals and dreams. See yourself and enjoy the feeling of living that life. NOW, ask yourself this question. If not now, then when?

Wishing You MysweetLuck.
