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999 Warren Buffett Quotes - Learn His Secrets of Investing During & After Crisis


One Up On Wall Street SUMMARY Conclusion Chapter 20 – 50,000 Frenchmen Can Be Wrong

The market, like individual stocks, can move in the opposite direction of the fundamentals over the short term Be optimistic about America and investing in general Market declines are great opportunities to buy stocks in companies that you like You can never predict the market It takes years, not months to produce big results You can make serious money by compounding a series of 20-30 percent gains in Stalwarts Stock prices often move in opposite direction but the long term, the direct and sustainability of profits will prevail Buying a company just because its cheap is a losing strategy Selling an outstanding fast grower because its stock slights overpriced is a losing technique You don’t lose anything by not owning a successful stock Stock doesn’t know that you own it Don’t be attached to a winner Don’t stop monitoring the story If you don’t think you can beat the market then buy a mutual fund Keep an open mind to new ideas Read One Up On Wall Street by Peter Lynch Chapter 19 full su

One Up On Wall Street by Peter Lynch SUMMARY Introduction: The Advantages of Dumb Money

Rule No.1: Stop listening to investing professionals

Ignore what Peter Lynch is buying because he can be wrong, he can change his mind and sell and there are better sources out there

Those Wonderful Tenbaggers

It means a stock that made ten times your money. There are tenbaggers in weak market too

You just have to find one big winner out of eleven

Apples and Donuts
If you bought two dozen donuts from Dunkin’ Donuts every week for a year (1982) around $270 and along with that you invested equal amount in that company. In four years the shares would have been worth $1,539 and it’s a sixbagger
Now imagine the same for the jeans that you bought from Gap you made an equal investment or a Subaru car down payment as well as the stock
Bought Apple Computer in 1982? Another sixbagger by 1987 

The Power of Common Knowledge
To get the results you must buy exactly during the low and sell during the high
Look around you and the daily purchases that you are doing in routine. Observes what’s a bestseller and what is in the process of becoming a bestseller.

Is This a Public Company?
It should occur to you to ask if something that you are using as a consumer whether it is a public company or not
As a consumer you are doing the analyst’s job by visiting stores and testing products 
You always know from your experience what’s a good product and you are the first person to know it before Wall Street hires analysts to figure it out

Gigging The Gigahertz
If you don’t understand it then don’t put your life savings into it

 A Pox on The Cabbage Patch
First step: Finding a promising company
Second step: Doing the research

The book is divided into 3 sections:
Part 1: Preparing to Invest (on evaluating stocks)
Part 2: Picking Winners (on finding promising opportunities)
Part 3: The Long-term View (on how to design a portfolio)

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